Who is Vishnu

Vishnu is a major deity in Hinduism and is part of the Hindu trinity, along with Brahma and Shiva. He is known as the preserver or protector of the universe, and his four arms represent his power to preserve life. Vishnu is often depicted riding on a white bird called Garuda, who serves as his mount. He also has a number of avatars that are said to have descended to earth at different times in order to protect it from evil forces.

Vishnu is an important deity in Hinduism, one of the three primary gods in the Trimurti. He is known as the Preserver, and is often depicted as a blue-skinned man with four arms, carrying a conch shell, discus, mace and lotus. Vishnu’s most important roles are to protect and sustain the universe by preserving dharma (righteousness). He is also seen as a symbol of compassion and love. As such, he is often referred to as “The All-loving God.”

Vishnu is a Hindu deity and one of the principal gods of the Hindu pantheon. He is the Supreme Being within Vaishnavism, one of the major branches of Hinduism. Vishnu is also known as Narayana, Jagannath, Vāsudeva, and Hari. He is believed to be an all-pervading spirit who maintains and preserves the universe. In his four-armed form, he carries a conch shell, discus, mace and lotus flower. His consort is Lakshmi and he has many avatars including Rama and Krishna.

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